Inflation aside, most people’s heating bills go up in the winter. Even wearing socks and sweaters during the colder months isn’t enough to help keep your utility bills reasonable. The experts with CJ Brubacher Ltd. offer heating services in Kitchener and these tips to manage your utility costs this winter.
Let the Sun In During The Day
Take advantage of the free heat during the day by opening your blinds or curtains. You’ll also let the light in, so you may be able to turn off lamps when the windows are open. Natural sunshine has many health benefits, which is another reason to keep the curtains open during the day. You need sunlight to produce serotonin and vitamin D. Opening the blinds when the sun is shining can make you sleep better.
Get Rid of Leaks and Draft
Your heating system uses a lot of energy, so you don’t want to let any of your expenses seep out through leaky windows or drafty doors. Weatherproofing is an affordable investment in your home to prevent higher utility costs in both summer and winter. Check for drafts around windows and doors. Inspect your attic and basement for air leaks. You may also want to check your chimney for any air leaks when you’re not using it.
Weatherstripping can go around anything that opens and closes, such as your doors or windows. Use caulk for cracks in door frames or windows. If you haven’t updated your windows in 10 to 15 years, it might be time to get an inspection and a quote to replace them with more efficient ones. If you have leaks in your attic, it might be due to insulation failure. Basement air leaks can often be caulked.
Use Space Heaters
Space heaters aren’t efficient when heating your entire home, but when you need to heat up a small area, they can be quite effective. Use a space heater to add warmth to a bathroom that doesn’t get warm enough when you’re taking a shower. Put a space heater in the garage when you need to be out there. Just make sure to use caution and be safe with space heaters.
Turn the Thermostat Down When You Sleep
It’s surprising how reducing your thermostat by a couple of degrees will save money on your utilities. During the day wear warm clothes. At night, when you’re curled up in a quilt and wearing thermal PJs, you may not even notice it. If you have a smart thermostat, you can set it to turn up a little higher right before you wake up. If the family is gone most of the day at work and school, you may be able to turn the thermostat down while you’re out.
Close the Curtains at Night
Even windows that are sealed well are a loss of heat. The glass isn’t as insulated as your walls or doors, so you should close the blinds and curtains once the sun starts to go down. This will help keep the heat inside your home. It can also make sense to invest in insulated curtains over the cooler months to add to your energy efficiency.
Get a Furnace Inspection
Not only does your furnace use the most energy in your home, but it’s also one of the more expensive systems in your home. As your furnace ages, it becomes less efficient to run. An annual inspection can help you keep your furnace operating at its best throughout its lifetime. Our experts can catch small problems before they become major issues that could break down at an inconvenient time. If you need residential furnace repair or maintenance, contact CJ Brubacher Ltd.