Kitchener Plumbing Repairs: 3 Signs You Need a New Shower

Kitchener Plumbing Repairs: 3 Signs You Need a New Shower

How Do You Know When You Need a New Shower?

Generally speaking, showers are built to last several decades and do not need to be replaced often. However, frequent use may put wear and tear on shower components, and they may wear out more quickly as a result. If your shower is reaching the 20- to 25-year mark soon, you may need to think about calling plumbing services in Kitchener for a replacement. However, if you notice any of the following signs of shower trouble, you may need to look into residential plumbing services right away.

Sudden Changes in Water Temperature

Sometimes when a shower is wearing out, it may have difficulty sustaining hot water in a constant flow. Therefore, you may be enjoying a nice, hot shower when suddenly the water turns cold. This is an unpleasant surprise that may seem to happen at random. However, if you investigate it further, you may find that it often happens when another device in the house is using hot water elsewhere.

The problem could be an issue with the shower valves wearing out, or it could be an issue with the water heater. In either case, you can call for plumbing services in Kitchener, and a licensed professional will be able to assess the problem, diagnose its cause, and recommend the necessary repairs, whether they be to the shower valves or the water heater itself.

Leaking Water

The fittings and bolts for an old showerhead may loosen over time. This is the most common reason why showerheads start leaking. Another possible reason is a buildup of sediment inside the showerhead. In either case, leaking showerheads or tub faucets can cause big problems. You have to pay for every drop of water that comes out of your plumbing fixtures, whether you intend it to or not. Depending on the severity of the leak, it could cost you significantly. It may not add much to each individual water bill, but it can add up over time. Not only that, but freshwater is a precious resource, and the water that goes down the drain is wasted. Puddles of water that form from leaks can also attract pests to your home. It doesn’t cost much to hire residential plumbing services to install a new showerhead, and it can save you significantly in the long run.

Fungal Growth

A leak in the shower can also lead to the growth of fungi such as mould. Fungal spores can grow just about anywhere there is moisture, and bathrooms are natural environments for it in any case because of the strong amounts of steam produced by the shower. Add a leak to the mix, and your shower becomes an even better habitat for fungal growth. You may start to notice it on the pipes, valves, or showerhead growing in spongy spots of black or green. You may be able to clean mould that is growing on the outside of your pipes and fixtures. However, if it is growing on the inside, this is more difficult to clean. It is probably easier to replace the entire fixture.

Mould in your shower isn’t something you can just ignore. Breathing in mould spores can cause respiratory problems. Showering in mouldy water can cause skin rashes. People who have allergies to mould may have severe reactions to it.

Why Should You Call CJ Brubacher for Plumbing Services in Kitchener?

We provide both residential and commercial plumbing services in Kitchener, so if you have shower facilities at either your home or your place of business, we can service them as necessary. This includes repairing existing fixtures and installing new ones. It also includes maintaining existing fixtures to keep them in good working order and avoid repairs. We provide 24-hour emergency services, so contact us anytime.