One thing us Canadians seem to never be prepared for is the first snow fall. We seem to forget to get our winter tires on, or maybe we are just trying to hold on to Fall for as long as we can? As the winter has arrived, you should be taking this time to get your home ready for the cold months ahead. Being proactive will help avoid financial disaster and prevent any personal injury that could occur. From the inside to the outside of your home, winterizing your property will protect your investment while keeping you comfortable.
Furnace Inspection
The first thing on your list should be to call an HVAC professional to inspect your furnace to ensure optimal efficiency. It’s also a good idea to stock up on filters and change them regularly. If you haven’t done so already, switching out your thermostat for a programmable one is a great step in the right direction. Updating the thermostat for your families schedule is an easy way to slash your energy bill. You can also set these type of thermostats by season.
If your home uses hot-water radiators for heating, the valves should be bled by opening them slightly and when water appears, close them.
**Reminder to remove all flammable material from around your furnace***
Give us a call at (519) 669-3362 to setup an appointment to have your furnace serviced by one of our HVAC technicians.
Check all Exterior Doors and Windows
This step should be completed routinely for your health and safety. Inspect your home on the outside for crevice cracks and any exposed points of entry around pipes. If you notice them, seal them up. Adding weather stripping around your doors will help prevent cold air from entering the home. Also check the caulking around your windows to see if any cracks have appeared. If your windows have cracked glass, it is recommended to replace them. If you end up replacing the entire window, be sure to prime and paint any exposed wood to prevent any damage throughout the winter. Do you have a basement in your home? Consider adding plastic shields to protect the window wells.
Service Weather-Specific Equipment
Being proactive will aid you in preparing for when the bad weather hits and you will inevitably need your seasonal equipment. Pull out your snow blower and have it serviced and give it a good tune-up. Take a look at your shovels and replace any worn or broken ones. Have your ice chopper sharpened and buy bags of ice-melt or sand. Equipment you use in the summer should be prepared to be to be stored away. Items like your lawn mower should have the gas drained to avoid any rust.
Install Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
A good way to remember to change the batteries in your detectors is to change them when daylight savings time ends and begins. Ensure that you have a carbon monoxide detector installed near your furnace or water heater, or both. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working properly. This is also a great time to check your fire extinguisher and replace any that have expired.
Prevent Plumbing Freezes
Make sure you know where your main shut off is in the event of an emergency. To avoid any headaches, drain your garden hose, insulate exposed plumbing pipes, drain air conditioner pipes and if your AC unit has a water shut off valve, turn it off. If you plan to leave on vacation or for an extended amount of time, keep your heat on and set it to at least 12˚C.
Give us a call at (519) 669-3362 for any plumbing concerns, issues or advice.
CJ Brubacher has you covered!
Prepare an Emergency Kit
Severe weather can strike at any moment. Being prepared is key to keeping your family safe and comfortable. Your kit should include indoor candles, matches/lighter for use during a power failure. Having a battery backup can help charge your devices should you need to contact anyone during power failure. Pack extra bottles of water, non-perishable food supplies (don’t forget about your pets!), blankets, and a first-aid kits. This kit should be stored in a spot that is easily accessible and dry. You may want to consider a generator to eliminate down time at your home. Also, preparing an evacuation plan in the event of an emergency can give you peace of mind knowing that your family knows what to do. Putting the contacts of your utility companies, and trusted repair team, like C.J. Brubacher ((519) 669-3362), in your phone will help eliminate trying to locate them should an emergency arise.
Being proactive is always recommended, especially when dealing with an investment like your home.
Have any questions for our team? Need some assistance? Give us a call at (519) 669-3362 and book an appointment.