4 Signs You Need an Electrician Right Away in Kitchener

4 Signs You Need an Electrician Right Away in Kitchener

If you suspect there is a problem with your home’s electrical system, you need to contact a professional skilled in electrical services in Kitchener right away. Electrical problems can lead to issues with your lights, appliances and electrical fires. Attempting to fix an electrical problem yourself could lead to even more damage or danger to your safety or your property. At CJ Brubacher, we can help solve your electrical problems quickly. Here are four signs you need to call us right away.

1. Flickering Lights

A common sign that there is a problem in your electrical work is if your lights flicker. If you have light fixtures that consistently flicker, there may be a problem with your wiring. It’s also problematic if your lights flicker when you use appliances, hair dryers or your air conditioner. When lights are flickering, there may be loose wires, a short or something loose in the fixture. An electrician can check out your lights and electrical panel to determine the following steps to fix the issue.

2. Electrical Shocks

The next big clue that there is something wrong with your electrical system is if you experience electrical shocks. If you feel an electrical shock when you plug something into one of your outlets, that could indicate a problem. An electrician can determine the cause of the electrical shock and remedy the situation.

When this problem occurs, it may be due to an unstable electrical circuit, damage in your circuit or problems with the power cord for your appliance. Ignoring this issue could create a fire hazard in your home. If you ever experience a powerful electrical shock after plugging something in, you may need to seek medical attention or you may need to call 911.

3. Burning Smell

Another dangerous sign of a problem with your home’s electrical system is a burning smell. If you notice a strange odour in your home, it’s essential to get it checked out immediately. A smoky smell may be indicative of a wiring issue that could quickly turn into a fire. Make sure you call a professional with expertise in residential electrical services so the power can be turned off in your home to avoid a potential fire hazard.

A burning smell may be due to a variety of factors. You may have loose or frayed electrical wires that are starting to melt or burn. It could also be from an overloaded circuit that can’t handle your home’s power needs.

4. Buzzing Sound

Finally, in addition to paying attention to the smells in your home, you also want to listen carefully for any unusual sounds that may be associated with electrical wiring failures. If you hear buzzing in your walls, that may be related to an electrical system problem and needs to be looked at immediately.

An electrical buzzing sound may be due to problems with your wiring. It could also be from outlet failures or your wall switches malfunctioning. A licensed electrician can check out the noise and help you with the next steps.

Professional Electrical Services in Kitchener

Homeowners should never wait around or delay service if there is a potential electrical system fault. The average DIYer is not knowledgeable or skilled enough to fix electrical wiring or outlet damage issues. To avoid injuring yourself or causing significant damage to your home, reach out to a professional, licensed electrician to determine the cause of your issue and get it fixed safely and quickly.

Connect with CJ Brubacher for your residential electrical system needs. We provide immediate emergency services for potentially dangerous situations. We can also help with electrical panel upgrades, light fixtures and outlet installations and maintenance of your entire system.

What to Consider When Having a Commercial HVAC System Installed

Waterloo Furnace Repair: What to Consider When Having a Commercial HVAC System Installed

Choosing a Commercial HVAC System: 4 Factors To Consider

As a Waterloo business owner, the comfort of your employees and customers is probably a priority for you, and having a complete heating, ventilation and cooling system can help you accomplish this. If your building requires an HVAC overhaul or you need an older system replaced, at CJ Brubacher Ltd., we are standing by to help you make a few decisions regarding your choices for HVAC replacement and furnace repair in Waterloo.

1. Building Size Matters 

One of the most important factors in choosing a commercial HVAC system is the size of your building. The overall square footage and the number of floors can affect the quality of the heated or cooled air each section receives and how much ductwork each floor might require. If you choose a system that is too small for your building’s needs, you may pay higher energy costs and reduce the life of the system as it struggles to heat and cool an area too large for its output capacity. 

Our technicians can advise you about your building’s needs and what type of system you need to keep your employees and customers comfortable and heat and cool spaces without wasting energy. This can help you save money over time, as controlling the efficiency of your HVAC system can prevent unnecessary wear and tear on important components and give you greater control over how you heat and cool your building. 

2. The Condition of Your Current System

If you call us for commercial furnace repair and our technicians discover that your current system is no longer working as it should due to age or damage, they can list any current issues they find and help you decide whether repairs or a complete replacement of the system is necessary. Several factors may influence your choice, such as whether your building’s existing system is still safe to operate. 

When an HVAC system ages, it’s motor and other moving parts may not work as effectively, causing inadequate heating or cooling in certain far-reaching areas of your building. Most commercial HVAC systems last about 20 years, so if your building’s system has not been replaced in the last few decades, it may be time to consider a replacement rather than a repair. 

3. Cost 

If you do decide to replace your existing heating and cooling system, then cost will likely play a role in what type you choose. For example, a single-split system is generally more cost-effective than a multi-split system, which has more operating options and gives your the ability to heat and cool specific spaces, such as offices and breakrooms. Multi-split systems can heat and cool large commercial buildings with lower energy costs, which could help you offset the price of installation. 

Our service technicians can help you decide which HVAC system suits your current budget. They can inspect your building and inform you about which floors need consistent heating or cooling or whether a split-level system is a better choice for buildings with areas you do not always use consistently, such as storage spaces. 

4. Building Location and Geography 

Your building’s location can have a definite impact on how its HVAC system works and the type you may need for it to function correctly. Moisture, for instance, can have a significant effect on your current HVAC system’s ducts and cause the formation of mold inside the tubes, which can increase the risk of mold spores affecting other areas of the building. 

Your commercial building’s HVAC requirements can affect the comfort and well-being of anyone who works or visits it. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and make your commercial building comfortable for everyone who works or visits. 


Commmon Workplace Electrical Problems

Waterloo Electrician: Commmon Workplace Electrical Problems

Many commercial properties have an onsite maintenance staff. While a trained staff can handle many common issues, only licensed electrical services in Waterloo should inspect or correct electrical systems.

Too many people make the mistake of assuming building wiring is straightforward when it is a complex and potentially dangerous interconnection of circuits. Through the years, codes change and technology develops, resulting in many companies operating with a mix of old and new wiring, which can present challenges and risks to inexperienced, well-meaning onsite staff. Even common problems can become significant risks if a person is not a professional.

Therefore, while the onsite staff is qualified for various tasks, they cannot and should not interfere with a property’s wiring or electrical systems. A licensed electrician is the only professional qualified to handle common and complex electrical system problems.

Understanding 3 Common Electrical Problems

Do not assume that because an electrical issue is common that it is safe for unqualified individuals to correct it. Even the most common problems can have disastrous outcomes when mishandled, such as electrical fires. That said, many commercial facilities experience a few of the same issues, and they should understand those issues, but only to recognize when a professional is necessary.

1. Old Wiring

Commercial facilities may have old wiring stretched throughout the property and connected to newer outlets or circuits. The older wiring is more prone to damage from electrical surges or overloaded circuits. Also, mixing and matching electrical components is never a good idea.

A professional electrician can help companies review their systems and suggest necessary upgrades. Sometimes upgrades are required to meet existing building and safety codes. Businesses must remain compliant with current regulations to maintain operational licenses and insurance.

2. Flickering Lights

Commercial and residential electrical services often assist property owners with flickering lights. Business lights might flicker for many reasons, but the most common are loose connections.

However, flickering lights can also occur because of overloaded circuits or faulty wiring. Each potential issue comes with an escalated sense of urgency.

As much as companies want to save money and subvert certain operational expenses, it is never wise to neglect electrical issues. Contact a licensed electrician to diagnose and resolve flickering lights or other lighting problems.

3. Sparks

Sparks can happen even with healthy electrical systems, but they should not remain persistent. Most sparks will occur around outlets, which often indicates an upgrade is necessary. However, if sparks happen often or employees notice outlets heating up, it is crucial to react. Employers or maintenance staff should cut the main power immediately.

Continuous or frequent sparks and heating outlets represent a significant concern. Fire risks are possible in these situations. Therefore, it is crucial that property owners call a licensed electrical service.

Hiring a Professional To Intervene

Licensed electricians are the only qualified professionals who can work on a building’s electrical systems. They understand building and safety codes and know how to perform electrical work safely.

While onsite maintenance can handle more minor issues, such as swapping out an outlet or replacing a fuse, any situations that require investigating entire systems or wiring require a professional. The risk of electrocution is too great for a novice to attempt system repairs. Also, working with unlicensed repair persons risks the safety of all employees and the business.

Licensed services and technicians have the training and experience to correct various issues, from the common to the complex. If you notice any electrical problems in your building, contact CJ Brubacher Ltd. immediately. The company will send a licensed professional to assess the building’s systems and resolve any existing issues. The technician may also suggest necessary upgrades to ensure the property meets current codes and regulations.

Keep Warm This Winter With These Tips

Waterloo Heating Services: Keep Warm This Winter With These Tips

Winter may be the perfect time for holiday parties, family and friends, but then you get your heating bill from staying inside all the time. If you’re trying to make sure your bills stay affordable without turning off the heater, we have some recommendations for making your home more energy-efficient. When you need heating services in Waterloo, think of CJ Brubacher Ltd. Let us service your furnace or heating system to make sure it’s operating at peak performance.

Insulate Windows and Doors

One of the best things you can do to keep heat in your home is to prevent it from escaping in the first place. Your windows and doors are two points where warm air can escape. Hold a candle or incense up to the window and slowly move it around. When you see the flame or smoke waver, you have a draft. Use weatherstripping and caulk to seal up the cracks. Check the weatherstripping on your doors to make sure it seals well when the door is closed. Don’t forget to check your patio doors.

Use door draft stoppers throughout the winter at the bottom of the door. You can buy a fancy one or just roll up an old towel or blanket to put across the bottom of the door. Heavy curtains on your windows can help keep the cold out, too. On northern windows, you may even want to use plastic insulation to really seal out the wind.

Reverse Ceiling Fans

Warm air rises. Reversing ceiling fans in the winter so that they operate in a clockwise direction. Turn the fan on low to create an updraft, which pushes the warm air on the ceiling down to where the space is occupied. Just don’t forget to turn the fan back to normal in the summer.

Check Your Thermostat

Every degree lower you can go will save you money on your heating bill. It doesn’t need to be frigid in your home, but if you can wear sweaters and socks to keep warm to keep the temperature a little lower, it might be worth it. If you haven’t invested in a smart thermostat, maybe this is the year to make it happen. You can program the thermostat to go lower when you aren’t home or when you’re sleeping. Then, program the heater to come on at a certain time so the house is cozy when you get out of bed or when you are coming home. Letting the thermostat do the work makes it more convenient for you. You can always change it right from your phone.

Change Furnace Filters

Dirty air filters restrict air flow, which makes your heating system work harder. You should be replacing your filters every three months, at the very least. If you have pets or your home gets dusty, you may need to replace your filters more often. Set a reminder to check the filters when you pay your electric bill so you never forget.

Ensure Your Heating System or Furnace Is Working Efficiently

Your heating system may lose efficiency over time as parts wear down. Regular maintenance on your unit helps your system function at its best. Our technicians perform different tests on your system when we come out for a service check. This helps alert you to any potential problems before they become major repairs. We can also help you plan for the lifespan of your heater, so you know when it may be more advantageous to replace your old unit instead of putting more money into repairs.

Contact CJ Brubacher Ltd. for residential furnace repair and installation. We have many types of heating systems that help you keep your home comfortable without breaking the bank.

How Often Should Commercial HVAC Systems Recieve Tune-Ups?

Kitchener Furnace Repair: How Often Should Commercial HVAC Systems Recieve Tune-Ups?

HVAC systems are responsible for keeping commercial buildings at a comfortable temperature regardless of how the weather feels outside. Keeping your commercial heating and cooling unit in good condition is important for keeping your employees and customers comfortable. One of the best ways to keep your unit in top condition is to invest in regular maintenance. Here’s what you need to know about commercial HVAC system tune-ups.

What Is a Tune-Up?

You know that you need to call a professional to repair your unit when it starts to malfunction, but you may not understand what a tune-up is and how it can benefit your system. Routine maintenance appointments are important for keeping your HVAC system in top health because they give technicians a chance to make sure various components of the unit are working properly. If a certain component is close to malfunctioning, technicians can change the part before it causes a problem. During a tune-up, technicians can also play me a system to keep it operating efficiently.

Why Should You Get a Commercial HVAC Tune-Up?

You may not think you need to pay for maintenance services for your commercial HVAC system. It’s additional money that you can save by bypassing yearly tune-ups, but you will likely pay more in the long run because you will end up replacing the system more frequently. HVAC units are expensive, so you want them to last for several decades so that you get the most for your money. Paying for yearly maintenance is a good way to keep your system running smoothly so that it lasts longer.

What Are the Benefits of Tune-Ups?

There are numerous benefits to buying an HVAC maintenance plan with yearly tune-ups. In addition to extending the lifetime of your system, you’ll gain the following advantages with tune-ups:

  • Increased energy efficiency: HVAC units use a lot of energy and have a huge impact on your carbon footprint. Regular cleanings done at tune-up visits increase the energy efficiency of the system and require it to run less frequently to keep your building at a comfortable temperature
  • Improved Reliability:  If your HVAC system breaks, your building will get too hot or too cold for the people inside to stay comfortable. It may be hours or even a few days before a technician can resolve the issue. Investing in tune-ups reduces the risk of your system tearing up so that you have more reliable heating and cooling.
  • Fewer Repairs:  With HVAC systems, small problems quickly spiral out of control and become major. If you fail to fix problems right when they happen, you will end up paying for more extensive repairs and may even need to buy an entirely new unit. Regular maintenance helps you avoid costly repairs. Technicians can identify parts that are aging so that they can replace them before they begin to malfunction and cause problems.

Who Should You Call for an HVAC Tune-Up?

Although the needs of every business are unique, it is typically recommended for all commercial buildings to have their HVAC systems tuned up once a year. You should contact a reputable company to perform the maintenance so that you can keep your unit running efficiently for as long as possible. If you are looking for furnace repair in Kitchener, CJ Brubacher is ready to help. Our team of HVAC professionals is experienced with commercial furnace repair and can complete tune-ups quickly and efficiently so that your business building continues to be comfortable for everyone inside.

Make an Appointment Today

CJ Brubacher has commercial HVAC maintenance plans to keep your unit in peak condition. If your system is in need of a tune-up, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

op 5 Plumbing Problems to Watch Out for this Winter

Kitchener Plumbing Repair: Top 5 Plumbing Problems to Watch Out for this Winter

5 Plumbing Issues To Be Aware of This Winter 

While it is wise for homeowners to be aware of plumbing problems throughout the year, more problems tend to arise during the colder months. Hence, paying attention to your pipes in the winter is particularly important. While plumbing services in Kitchener are available to help you fix any issues that arise, it is always a good idea to catch a problem early before it turns into something catastrophic. Here are five plumbing issues to be aware of this winter.

1. Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are one of the most significant plumbing issues that come up during the winter. Many homes in colder regions of North America are built in a way that protects pipes against the elements, but some are not. The first sign of a frozen pipe usually occurs when you turn on your faucet and only a trickle of water, or no water at all, comes out of the tap. Frozen pipes pose many hazards to a house, including:

  • Preventing residents from accessing water needed to do laundry, wash dishes and take showers
  • Bursting, which means that the homeowner now has a costly repair to deal with 
  • Flooding the home, which can damage items and pose a danger to residents

While there are some things that homeowners can safely do to help prevent frozen pipes, such as letting the faucet drip overnight, always contact local residential plumbing services to assist once the pipes are frozen. Be aware that both indoor and outdoor lines are at risk of freezing.

2. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains arise not so much as a result of the weather outside, but rather from the increase in cooking that takes place over the winter holidays. Often, people are unaware of what items should not go down the kitchen sink, even when the sink has a garbage disposal attached. These items include:

  • Used coffee grounds
  • Cooking oil and grease from frying pans and other cookware 
  • Bones left over from pieces of chicken, turkey and other meats

Avoid letting a clogged drain ruin your holiday gathering by being aware of the waste that you put in your sink. If you encounter any issues with clogged drains, contact residential plumbing services to prevent further mess.

3. Water Heater Headaches

Residents rely on their heating systems during cold Canadian winters to keep them safe and warm. The water heater is no exception, as it works harder to provide warm water for showers, washing clothes and cleaning dishes than the appliance does in warmer months. A professional from one of the many plumbing services in Kitchener can advise you on whether or not it is time to replace your current water heater, as well as provide regular maintenance so the heater continues to work properly.

4. Backed-Up Sump Pumps

Sump pumps are generally located in the basement of a home and help to prevent flooding in the building. Flooding is an issue when snowy climates start to warm and experience snow melt. To keep your sump pump working properly, ensure there is nothing inside of it that could cause a clog. Even if you do not live in an area that receives a lot of snow and ice, it is important to keep an eye on your sump pump if there is increased rainfall in your weather forecast.

5. Basement Flooding

If your sump pump fails, you may experience basement flooding. Flooding can also occur if you have cracks in the foundation that allows water to seep underneath your home. Help prevent this by keeping snow away from your house and repairing any cracks in your walls.

Contact the professionals at CJ Brubacher Ltd. if you experience plumbing issues this winter despite taking the necessary precautions to prevent problems.

Waterloo Heating Services: Preparing Your Furnace for Cold Weather

Waterloo Heating Services: Preparing Your Furnace for Cold Weather

Tips You Need To Prepare Your Furnace for Colder Weather

With cooler weather on the way, it is likely that you will find yourself turning on your furnace for the first time in months. In many instances, your furnace will kick on without an issue. However, some may run into trouble at the beginning of the season, especially if they did not do any work to care for their unit in the last year. If you are looking for some tips to help care for your HVAC unit or need some heating services in Waterloo here are some things to keep in mind.

Replace Your Filter

One of the best things that you can do to help maintain your unit properly is to regularly replace your filter. Even though it may not seem like a big deal, your filter can directly impact how well your unit is able to function. When things like dust and dirt build up in your filter, not only will that debris float around in your house, but it will also force your unit to work harder to move air through your home. When it comes to residential heating, changing a filter can be a simple task. However, the exact process will vary depending on the brand of the unit and its age.

Remove All Nearby Objects

Along with changing your filter regularly, you also need to ensure that there are no objects near your unit. This can be important to do whether or not you are dealing with residential or commercial heating units. Having too many things, whether they are pieces of furniture, cardboard boxes, or something else can be hazardous. Having a crowded area around your unit can increase the risk of fire, and can ultimately put you and your family in danger.

Turn Up Your Thermostat

Something else that can help as you are preparing for a new season is making sure that you turn on the thermostat and test out your furnace before the beginning of colder weather. This way, you can ensure that it is working and take steps to repair it if you need to before the cooler weather actually kicks in. Not only can doing this help you to take care of your unit, but it can also help prevent you from being caught off guard when it does become cooler.

Get Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to take care of your HVAC unit is to make sure that you are getting regular maintenance checks. Not only does this help you to protect and care for your unit, but it can also help save you money in the long run. While it may not seem like a money saver when you are paying for regular checks, the reality is that the cost of a maintenance check is generally much lower than the cost of replacing parts of your unit, or replacing your unit altogether.

When you get regular maintenance, you can help ensure that small issues are managed on a regular basis. Not only that, but a technician will also have a chance to catch small issues before they turn into larger and much more costly ones. Beyond that, getting a maintenance check before winter begins can help you make sure that you are prepared for the cold months ahead, and that there will be no surprises when you go to turn your furnace on for the first time that season.

Some Parting Words About Furnace Maintenance

Taking proper care of an HVAC unit can sometimes feel like a lot. The upside is, though, that by getting help from professionals like CJ Brubacher Ltd. in Waterloo you can ensure that your unit is working smoothly and that you and your family will be comfortable as the weather cools down.