Kitchener Heating Services: 3 Reasons To Avoid DIY Furnace Repairs

Kitchener Heating Services: 3 Reasons To Avoid DIY Furnace Repairs

A furnace on the fritz can be a significant inconvenience at your home. This major appliance plays a big part in making your house comfortable. If you’re typically a handy person, you may be tempted to do some research and try to fix your furnace on your own. However, this is a risky option. Check out why it’s better to leave furnace repair in Kitchener to the professionals.

Gas Lines Are Dangerous

At the top of the list of reasons to avoid messing with your furnace is the gas connection. Many modern furnaces run on natural gas. While that offers consistent and reliable heat and energy, it also creates the risk for gas to leak into your home where it shouldn’t be. A gas leak could turn into an explosion with just a spark.

When our professionals make a repair involving a gas line, they know how to properly turn the gas supply on and off and ensure the gas line is correctly connected or capped. A professional repair person will also know the signs of a pipe that needs to be repaired to prevent future problems. These are skills you can’t get without special training.

Risk of Electrical Hazards

Safety risks also come in the form of electrical hazards. Electrical furnaces are popular as an efficient choice to heat your home. Even gas units will have some electrical parts. When repairs are needed, whoever is tasked with opening up the unit and finding the problem needs to have a healthy understanding of how to handle wires.

Making a mistake with electrical parts during a residential or commercial furnace repair could have dangerous results. Grabbing a live wire could result in burns, electrical shock or electrocution.

There is also the risk of a wire shorting out and impacting the electrical system connected to your furnace. A surge could trip a circuit or even cause damage to other HVAC elements in your home or business. You could end up needing more than just the furnace repaired.

DIY Repairs Void Warranties

Attempting residential furnace repair also brings the risk that you will void the warranty of your appliance or previous guarantees on older repairs. Furnace manufacturers usually give an estimated lifespan for how long the unit should last and will often promise to fix well-maintained furnaces if something unexpectedly fails.

However, there is likely a requirement that repair work is done by a qualified technician. This is because the company wants to make sure that there is no additional damage done to the unit. When you go tinkering inside your furnace on your own, your manufacturer may decide that they don’t have to take responsibility for a non-working component since they don’t know what was done to it.

Furnace Repair in Kitchener You Can Trust

Once you take DIY furnace repair off the table, it’s time to get a professional team you can count on like CJ Brubacher Ltd. Our experts use their experience to figure out why your furnace isn’t heating your home the way it should, and what it takes to fix it. By working with a qualified team, you get reliable work done right the first time.

A furnace repair partner can also help guide you on regular maintenance. They understand the best working conditions for your unit and can let you know if there is something that will help the furnace run better or something that is hurting its performance.

Furnaces are important and costly parts of homes, so ensuring they work well is worth the investment. Don’t risk damaging yours or hurting yourself with a home repair. Instead, reach out to CJ Brubacher Ltd for quality fixes anytime.

4 Reasons You Should Have Regular Commercial Plumbing Maintenance

4 Reasons You Should Have Regular Commercial Plumbing Maintenance

A small plumbing problem can quickly turn into an emergency if you do not remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Whether your toilet is not flushing, or you have a faucet leak, many business owners wait until it is too late and then scramble to book a costly emergency appointment. Fortunately, following a plumbing services maintenance program can save you a lot of money in costly repairs. Here are four reasons it is important to regularly maintain your commercial plumbing system.

Reason #1- Detect Clogged Drains and Leaks

While leaky faucets and clogged drains may not seem like a big deal to many business owners, these issues can quickly turn into major plumbing emergencies if not addressed. These problems can sometimes cause flooding, back-ups, or pipe bursts, which are expensive, time-consuming problems to resolve.

Performing routine plumbing services in Waterloo, such as inspections, will help you identify issues before they become serious. During a routine inspection, your plumber will check for leaks, clogged drains, and standing water. When plumbing issues are caught early, they can usually be fixed quickly and inexpensively.

Reason #2- Plan for Plumbing Emergencies

The majority of plumbing emergencies can be prevented with routine maintenance. However, many Waterloo homeowners and business owners do not bother to schedule regular inspections. Other problems take priority, and a plumber is not called until there is a flooded basement or a backed-up toilet.

Luckily, many issues can be detected early on if proper maintenance is performed. Plumbers have the experience to identify problems that most homeowners cannot find on their own. Do not try to save money by performing plumbing maintenance yourself. Professional plumbers have the expertise needed to help prevent running toilets, sump pump failures, and clogged drains.

Reason #3- Protect Pipes and Plumbing Fixtures

Rusty pipes and old plumbing fixtures can quickly lead to many problems. While most business owners think they will spot a corroded pipe before it becomes an issue, the most critical pipes are not visible to you on an everyday basis. To do a proper inspection, a plumber will likely need to access the pipes inside the walls.

With regular maintenance, you can protect pipes and repair old fixtures before they cause a problem. Schedule a yearly inspection with a Waterloo plumber and request a routine maintenance check. Forming a relationship with a licensed plumber is a good idea if you plan to stay in the Waterloo area for a while.

Reason #4- Long-Term Protection Plans

Many Waterloo residents avoid purchasing long-term plumbing protection plans because of cost. However, it is a common misconception that protection plans cost a lot of money. Many companies offer discounted, budget-friendly protection plans for Waterloo residents. These plans typically come with a free yearly inspection and discounted preventative maintenance.

Enrolling in a plumbing protection plan is typically more cost-effective than paying for a massive repair or plumbing system overhaul. Performing small, consistent tasks is the key to keeping your plumbing system in proper working order.

Ask your plumber about extended warranties. If you recently purchased your home or installed a new septic system, you may be able to add an extended warranty to cover expensive repairs. While many people avoid purchasing warranties due to cost, it makes sense if you do not want to pay for a major plumbing repair in the future.

Work With a Plumbing Expert

Are you looking for affordable commercial plumbing services? CJ Brubacher Ltd. specializes in residential and commercial plumbing services. Do not wait until your sump pump fails or your toilet will not flush. Contact us today to schedule a routine maintenance check.

Kitchener Electrical Repair: Why Outlets Spark

Kitchener Electrical Repair: Why Outlets Spark

Having an outlet that sparks when you use it can be alarming. When you have electrical trouble, you need expert service that you can trust to do the job right the first time and for less. We are CJ Brubacher Ltd., and we specialize in electrical services in Kitchener, Ontario and the surrounding areas. As experts in our field since 1923, we frequently receive questions about sparking outlets.

There are several reasons why an outlet may spark. Some are cause for concern and should be dealt with right away, while others may not warrant worry. To help you identify the nature of your situation, let’s take a look at eight potential reasons for your outlet trouble.

1. The Wiring Is Loose or Frayed

While it may not be visibly noticeable, if the outlet’s wiring is loose or frayed, it can produce a sizzling sound when you use it. Common causes for loose or frayed wiring include improper installation, age and rodent damage.

2. The Wires are Short-Circuiting

If an outlet produces too much heat, it can cause the wire casing to melt, leaving wires exposed and dangerous. This issue needs to be addressed to prevent an electrical fire.

3. It’s Old

Time is not kind to electrical systems. If your home is older, its wiring probably has not been updated. Older wiring can wear out, leading to the issues mentioned above. Depending on the age of your electrical wiring, you may be due for a rewiring.

4. Improper Repairs Were Made

Unfortunately, unless you are the only one who has ever owned your home, it is hard to know the level of experience with which electrical repairs were made. If repairs were improperly made, this can lead to dangerous outlet sparking and a host of other electrical concerns.

5. The Outlet Is Overloaded

You may have too many things plugged into the same outlet. It is never advisable to use multiple outlet extensions, as doing so can overload the electrical outlet and cause issues, and sparking is one of them.

6. The Plastic Is Damaged

An often overlooked source of sparking, damaged outlet plastic can expose the inner workings and contact points of the outlet and lead to sparking. If your outlet looks a little worse for wear, it may be time to get it replaced to prevent fire damage.

7. Water Has Reached the Outlet

Often, outlets are placed too close to sinks. If the outlet comes into contact with water, sparks may result. Additionally, if you’ve recently had a plumbing leak, water may be interfering with the wiring in the vicinity. A professional needs to take a look if you believe water damage may be to blame for your outlet sparking.

8. It May Just Be Normal

Because electricity flows quickly, it can sometimes jump around too fast when you plug something in. If your outlet produces a blue spark when you use it, but it does not regularly spark, it is most likely just a normal occurrence. If you are unsure, reach out to schedule an appointment to have one of our electricians take a look.

If you have one or multiple sparking outlets that are causing concern, give us a call right away. Our technicians can accurately diagnose the problem and get you quickly on your way to a safe and functional home. No matter what the source of your sparking outlet may be, you can trust CJ Brubacher Ltd. to put your mind at ease.

You can reach our service team by phone or fill out our online contact form. No matter which method of contact you prefer, you will receive friendly, knowledgeable assistance from our professional team. Your safety and comfort are our priority and we look forward to serving you with our top-notch residential electrical services!

5 Signs You Need Professional Furnace Repair Services in Kitchener

5 Signs You Need Professional Furnace Repair Services in Kitchener

There are often some signs that you need furnace repair in Kitchener before the unit fails completely. You should learn to recognize these signs and pay attention to them. The furnace is most likely to fail in winter when it sees the most use, and then residential furnace repair becomes urgent. Without it, you could experience burst pipes or hypothermia.

Here are some specific signs that you need to repair your furnace.

1. Unusual Noises

A furnace typically isn’t completely silent, and this is good because otherwise, it would be harder for you to tell whether it is working. When a furnace is working correctly, it usually makes a soft whirring sound. You may become so used to this sound that you hardly notice it anymore. However, if your furnace starts making unusual noises, these may attract your attention. Examples include rattling, banging, groaning, or unusual hums. Pay attention to these noises because they could signify that something inside your furnace has come loose or is not working properly.

2. Strange Smells

If you detect an unusual odour coming from your furnace, it could mean a problem with your combustion. Poor combustion can give off aldehydes, which are chemical compounds you can smell, as well as carbon monoxide, poisonous gas that you cannot. If your furnace is giving off strange smells, it doesn’t necessarily follow that it is also giving off carbon monoxide, but because the possibility exists and carbon monoxide is so dangerous, you should have the furnace checked out promptly.

Note that it is normal for a furnace to give off a strong smell when you first have it installed, or when you first turn it on after a long summer. However, if the smell occurs out of nowhere, doesn’t gradually fade away, or starts to intensify it is a sign of a potential problem.

3. Water Leaks

A water leak can occur if you have a humidifier attached to your furnace that is not working properly. If you do not have a humidifier, the furnace’s internal drain system or condensation line may be broken or clogged. A water leak from your furnace is usually easy to fix, but if you do not address it immediately, it could cause other complications.

4. Uneven Heating

It is unlikely that your heater will keep every room in the house at exactly the same temperature at all times. For example, the basement is usually several degrees cooler than the upstairs area of the house. Nevertheless, the heating should generally be even. If you have two vastly different temperatures in similar areas of the house and there isn’t another explanation for it, e.g., a draft from a window, it could be a problem with the heater requiring residential furniture repair.

5. Unexplained Increase in Energy Bills

Of course, energy bills tend to fluctuate with the season. Your heating bill goes down in the summer when you are not using the furnace as much and then increases during the winter. However, if you see increases that are not explained by the changes in the season, it may mean that there is something wrong with your furnace that is affecting its energy efficiency. You should have it checked out right away, especially if it occurs alongside other warning signs of furnace problems.

Call CJ Brubacher for Professional Furnace Repair in Kitchener

If your furnace breaks down, it is typically at an inconvenient time, such as a cold winter night. We offer 24/7 residential and commercial furnace repair so that you can call for help whenever you need it. With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and nearly 100 years in the business, you can trust us to diagnose and repair your HVAC system. Find out more about our heating services.

Waterloo Plumbing Services: 3 Reasons To Not Flush Food Down the Toilet

Waterloo Plumbing Services: 3 Reasons To Not Flush Food Down the Toilet

Flushing food down the toilet drain seems a bit odd to some, but according to plumbing services in Waterloo, it is a common occurrence. More often than not, people explain that they flushed the food because they did not want it stinking up their kitchens. Some foods, like fish and eggs, can become ripe and pungent when left in the trash for a night or two. Despite the odour, you really shouldn’t flush food down the toilet.

Toilets and sewage systems are designed to handle specific types of waste. While a plumbing system might handle the occasional flushing of items it shouldn’t, such as dead pet fish, it is best to limit sewers to approved waste.

Flushing food down the toilet can cause many problems. You can cost yourself hundreds or thousands in damage and recovery if you are not careful. Experts point to three common issues of flushing food waste down the drain.

1. Can Block Sewer Lines

Commercial and residential plumbing services receive many calls from people and businesses that use their waste drains for all sorts of food waste. Two of the most common problem ingredients include fats and oils. Many people do not realize that these ingredients solidify after cooking. As the substances harden, they congeal to the walls of your sewer lines.

Eventually, the fats and oils cause slowdowns and blockages, or fatbergs, in the drainage system. One property flushing oils and fats can cause district-wide problems. Unfortunately, many people flush these ingredients or pour them into the waste lines.

If home and business owners are not careful, grease blockages can result in sewage backups. Backups can interrupt businesses and force families out of their homes.

2. Some Foods Degrade Slowly

Residential and commercial plumbing services warn against flushing or washing any foods down the drain, but some are more trouble than others. Corn on the cob, apple cores, and bones are among the worst foods you can flush. Any food that takes a long time to degrade presents significant risks to your plumbing system.

Flushing slow-degrading foods present an immediate and long-term risk. In many cases, the food will result in an immediate blockage, resulting in overflows and potential backups. If the food makes it through initial drainage, it will likely get stuck somewhere along the way. It is possible for water to flow around some stuck foods, but eventually, the food will create a significant blockage that can damage the pipes or cause backups.

3. Costly Sewage Maintenance

Cleaning fatbergs, bones, and other foods out of your sewer system is costly. Depending on the blockage, a plumbing service may need to open the line to find the clog, which is expensive.

Beyond individual costs, consider city or district expenses. Sometimes, food makes its way through your personal plumbing system but gets lodged in the public system. When districts are forced to spend more on plumbing maintenance, the costs are transferred to everyone through increased taxes.

Instead of flushing food waste, find better ways to discard or use it. For example, don’t toss leftovers; freeze them and save them for later. Also, instead of flushing used cooking oils and fats, pour them into a container, seal them and throw the container in the trash; you can also use a plastic bag. If you have the desire to garden, most food waste makes for excellent compost.

If you mistakenly flushed something you shouldn’t have, don’t be embarrassed; accidents happen. Call CJ Brubacher Ltd. to schedule a plumbing assessment. The company will send a licensed technician to inspect the problem and resolve it. For larger projects, the company may provide an estimate and proposed timeline for the job, ensuring the homeowner understands when and how the issue will be resolved.

Kitchener HVAC Repair: Fall Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Kitchener HVAC Repair: Fall Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

3 Fall Maintenance Tips for Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner is responsible for keeping your home at a comfortable temperature during scorching summer heat waves. When the air turns cooler during the fall, you probably don’t run your air conditioner as much. Although you aren’t relying on it to keep your home comfortable during the season, there is no excuse to neglect your unit. Using these three maintenance tips can keep your air conditioning system functioning at peak performance so that it is ready for the next summer.

1. Keep the Unit and Surrounding Area Clean

Fall comes just before the winter, so now is the time to take preventative measures to keep your air conditioning unit safe from snow and ice. Take time each fall to thoroughly clean your unit. Wipe down any dust and dirt that accumulated over the summer. Keeping the area clean prevents snow from piling up during the winter so that your unit does not get overloaded. Make sure you clean the system several times throughout the fall, especially after big storms, to keep it operating at peak performance. Cleaning the system also gives you the opportunity to identify any malfunctioning parts that need expert repair.

2. Replace the Air Filter

Most experts recommend that you replace your air filter every 90 days, so you should perform this maintenance task more often than just every fall. However, it is a crucial fall maintenance task because this is the season when the pollutants in the air change slightly. There aren’t as many allergens in the air as there are in the summer and winter, and installing a new air filter is the best way to protect your home from these new contaminants. A high-quality air filter keeps these pollutants from entering your home so that they today outside instead of affecting your indoor air quality.

3. Clean the Outdoor Condenser

The outdoor condenser of your air conditioning system is probably one of the elements you interact with least frequently. If the condenser is choked out with a lot of vegetation or gets dirty from the elements, your unit won’t run efficiently. You can easily prevent problems from occurring by periodically removing the vegetation that grows around the condenser. By allowing air to circulate easily around the condenser, you can keep your system running smoothly.

Call for Help When the Unit Malfunctions

If you aren’t running your air conditioning system frequently, you may not pay close attention to how it functions. However, calling a professional for help as soon as you notice an issue is the best way to save money on expensive repairs. When your air conditioner malfunctions, repair expenses can quickly spiral out of control. You may even need a new unit if you wait too long to resolve issues.

Performing regular maintenance on your unit can help you keep it running smoothly. It also helps you identify minor problems before they become major issues. If you don’t have much experience with air conditioners and don’t know what to look for in terms of problems, call the experts at CJ Brubacher to help. We have years of experience in the HVAC industry and are ready to keep your unit running smoothly for decades.

Schedule an Appointment for Air Conditioning Maintenance Today

Keeping your home or business building cool during heat waves is important. When you need air conditioning services in Kitchener, CJ Brubacher is here to help. In addition to residential air conditioning services, we also offer commercial air conditioning services to ensure you stay cool and comfortable whether you are at home or work. Contact us today to set up an appointment to maintain your air conditioning unit during the fall so that it is ready to serve you next summer.

Waterloo Heating Services: Fireplace VS Furnace

Waterloo Heating Services: Fireplace VS Furnace

As cooler weather approaches, it’s a good idea to consider the pros and cons of different ways to heat your home. Get advice from professionals who specialize in providing heating services in Waterloo. Know the difference between fireplaces and furnaces so you can heat your home as efficiently as possible.

Fireplace vs Furnaces Explained 

Fireplaces and furnaces are both common for residential heating purposes. Some homeowners like the warm glow of an active fire, while others prefer the efficiency of electric heating.


A fireplace sits under a chimney within a hearth and burns wood or gas. Fireplaces have been around for a long time, and are very good at heating the room they’re in. They require attention, maintenance, and tools such as pokers, grates, brushes, pans, tongs, screens, and storage racks. They work in tandem with a flue inside a chimney which must be opened before the fire starts, and closed when it is out.


A furnace is a heating appliance that operates on electricity or gas and efficiently distributes warm air through vents in your home. Furnaces are usually located in the basement or a central utility closet inside the home. They require maintenance and upkeep but do not require raw materials, chimneys, or flues.


Furnaces are safer than fireplaces since they do not require an open flame, raw materials, or produce sparks. If a chimney is not regularly cleaned, it can catch fire easily. There is a risk that furnaces could catch fire due to bad wiring or gas leaks, but this risk is low. A commercial heating service can come and inspect your furnace for any leaks or malfunctions.

Fireplaces also produce smoke, ash, soot, and creosote that can create breathing hazards. Animals and pets may be at risk for asthma, allergies, and lung conditions. Fireplaces have to follow air quality regulations and are susceptible to carbon audits. Furnaces rarely produce any odours or exhaust.


An electric fireplace is much easier to install than an electric furnace. Electric fireplaces do not require a chimney and only need a flat wall to house their inserts. Furnaces always require the services of a licensed professional. Permits will have to be pulled, wires and gas will be assessed, and the building will need to be inspected for safety and feasibility.


Installation costs for a furnace compared to a fireplace can range depending on your home. The ongoing costs, however, tell a different story. Cost factors depend on how cold it is, how much you use your heating system, the price of fuel and wood, and the overall heat loss or efficiency.

Wood-burning fireplaces are extremely inefficient, losing about 90% of their heat through the chimney. They are only good at heating one room. Then you must pay to heat the rest of the house somehow.

For furnaces, gas is almost always cheaper than electricity. Electric furnaces tend to cost more because they are tied to the market fluctuations of the power grid. That being said, you are able to customize the output of your electric furnace with a thermostat and smart technology, which can save you money.


The average lifespan of a fireplace is about 30 years, while a furnace will last about 20 years. All heating systems should be inspected annually to make sure they are in good condition for the long haul.

Rely on CJ Brubacher for Heating Services in Waterloo

We have been in business for almost 100 years, offering high-quality furnace repair, maintenance, and installation at affordable prices. Our A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau speaks to how satisfied our customers are. Request an estimate today.