Benefits of Replacing the Bathtub in Your Elmira Home

Benefits of Replacing the Bathtub in Your Elmira Home

High-quality Bathtubs when installed properly and regularly maintained still have a limited lifespan just like other household items. The bathtub seems to be one item homeowners overlook due to the challenging process of removing and replacing it. 

Of course, damage can occur before the end of a tub’s lifespan. If you notice cracks or leaks, it’s time to upgrade. It may also be that your tub hasn’t changed, but your needs have. There’s also nothing wrong with just wanting something different.  If you are in need of replacing your bathtub CJ Brubacher offers expert plumbing services in Elmira to ensure the job is done right the first time around.

There are three options to consider when it comes to bathtub renovations: replacing, refinishing or reglazing. While many people choose to refinish or reglaze to save money, replacing may offer more benefits in the long run. If you’re on the fence, here are the top reasons homeowners choose to replace their bathtubs.


Your bathtub is the centrepiece of your bathroom, meaning it has a significant effect on the decor. You can create an elegant, whimsical or modern aesthetic just by your choice of the tub.

If you want the freedom to place your bathtub anywhere, you should choose a freestanding model. Since these aren’t built into the wall, you can install them at the room’s center or even at an angle. Clawfoot bathtubs are a popular choice for their unique look and diverse designs.

Your choice of material can also make an impact on the overall aesthetic. While porcelain is traditional, you have a wide range of options:

  • Steel
  • Brass
  • Stone

Steel is an excellent complement to modern or contemporary styles, while brass offers more warmth. Stone bathtubs are luxurious and may add value to your property. Just keep in mind that they’re extremely heavy, so you should only use them on the ground floor to prevent damage to ceilings.


While appearances are important when choosing a bathtub, aesthetics shouldn’t trump comfort. After all, you use your tub daily. The good news is that modern innovations offer greater comfort than ever. Many people love relaxing in a bubble bath, but did you know you can get more out of your tub? If you really want to indulge, you can get a whirlpool bathtub.

These models feature jets that circulate water or air. These offer massages that soothe sore muscles and help you relax. The downside is that whirlpool bathtubs are often in the higher price range and may be expensive to fix.

If you still want a profoundly relaxing bathing experience without the hefty cost, you can get a soaking tub. These are deeper than traditional models, allowing you to submerge your entire body comfortably.


Whether you have mobility issues or just prefer not to clamber over a bathtub lip, walk-in tubs offer immense convenience. Unlike traditional models, these have a door, allowing you to simply step inside. Since the door has a watertight seal, you don’t have to worry about leaks.

If you’re looking for highly hygienic material that’s easy to clean, go for acrylic. It’s more mildew-resistant than other options and can withstand harsher chemicals. In contrast, stone tubs need non- or low-abrasive cleaning materials to avoid scratching the seal.

Enamel is also fairly easy to keep clean. You can even find metal tubs with enamel coating, allowing you to get the best of both worlds.

Whenever you replace a bathtub, you should contract residential plumbing services to ensure the job’s done right. At CJ Brubacher Ltd., we’re happy to replace a tub or complete any plumbing-related renovations or repairs. Our team is highly experienced and dedicated to delivering top-quality service. We’re the place to call if you want the peace of mind that comes with expert care. To get an estimate for your next project, call us or reach out online

3 Reasons the Kitchen Sink Is Clogged

Waterloo Plumbing Services: 3 Reasons the Kitchen Sink Is Clogged

Kitchen sink clogs always seem to happen at the most inconvenient times, like when you’ve got a counter full of dirty plates or your dishwasher is on the fritz. That’s why it pays to have one of the most trusted plumbing services in Waterloo, CJ Brubacher Ltd., in your contact list.

Even with a great plumber at the ready, it’s smart to stay one step ahead of these inconvenient blockages. Read on to learn about three of the most common types of clogs and how to prevent them.

Soap Scum Buildup

It’s counterintuitive to think that cleaning products cause pipe problems, but most commercial cleansers are made with fats and that’s the issue. When soapy fats mix with minerals commonly found in municipal water, they bind together and create a filmy substance that clings to pipes instead of rinsing away.

If your water is hard, it contains more of these buildup-causing minerals. Installing a water softener often alleviates the problem, but if you routinely use fatty dish soaps the issue may persist. Routinely pouring boiling water or water mixed with baking soda or ammonia down your drains helps remove scum before it develops into a full-blown clog.

Food Scrap Blockages

When you have a garbage disposal, you’re accustomed to scraping food residue from plates and pans into your sink. Unfortunately, if you don’t flush your drains properly, that food may never make it into the disposal and instead become stuck inside the curved P-trap piping beneath your sink. Although water might not back up into your basin immediately, if unpleasant odours are coming from your drain, you’ve got a blockage in the making.

To avoid such clogs, dispose of solid foods in your trash or put them on the compost pile. Avoid flushing fibrous produce like celery or pumpkin, which are notorious for wrapping around garbage disposal blades. Fine waste like coffee grounds and onion skins are also bad for your disposal, as it’s easy for the blades to miss them. Remember that anything that doesn’t pass through your disposal builds up and traps other foods, resulting in clogs. That’s why proper food disposal is key to reducing blockages.

Grease, Oil, and Fat Obstructions

As with soap scum, anything greasy or fatty going down your drains is problematic. Liquid fats congregate in the nooks and crannies of pipes, where they bind with the above-mentioned minerals or congeal and harden on their own. Masses of fat glom onto any number of other items that pass through your drains, and before you know it you’ve got a clog on your hands.

Never put cooking oils down the drain. Instead, pour cooled grease into empty cans or containers, set them into the fridge to solidify, and then toss them in the trash. Another option is to mix oils with flour, sand, or cat litter before throwing them away. Even mopping grease with paper towels is better than letting it go down your drain and clog your pipes.

CJ Brubacher Is Here To Help

Knowing what causes clogs and how to prevent them will help you keep your pipes in great shape, but the best care in the world won’t stave off every blockage. When your sink is backed up, it’s time to bring in an expert in residential plumbing services like CJ Brubacher Ltd.

Call the experts at CJ Brubacher when your drains are plugged, or anytime you need the very best in plumbing, heating, and air conditioning care in the Waterloo area. With an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau and around-the-clock service, we’re the right choice when it comes to unclogging your pipes!

Why Are Commercial Plumbing Services Important

Why Are Commercial Plumbing Services Important?

The Importance of Plumbing Services and Inspections

Residential and commercial plumbing services are essential to the function of a property. According to plumbing services in Waterloo, biannual inspections are often required to ensure your system stays in working order. Unfortunately, many people avoid routine maintenance. The forgetfulness is not often purposeful; instead, life gets in the way. However, if it has been some time since you last had your plumbing inspected, you might want to schedule an assessment with a professional plumbing service. The service is beneficial to the maintenance of your system, but it can also help in several specific situations.

1. Can Help With the Installation of Bathroom Fixtures

Many people choose to use a DIY approach to installations. While you can opt for such methods, you might want to take caution when working with plumbing. Your properties pipes and fixtures can be fragile. Additionally, the connections can be tricky with plumbing. 

Hiring a professional is the easiest way to ensure your fixtures and pipes all work the way they should. Plus, a licensed plumber can inspect the connections, ensuring you will not have any problems with the fixtures moving forward. 

Some DIYers may choose DIY options to cut costs. However, many people end up spending the same or more on DIY projects because they do not possess the necessary skills. Even if a professional costs more, you have to remember you are paying for their expertise. 

2. Can Ensure Everything Is Working Properly

Do you experience occasional clogs, or have you noticed a change in water pressure? Calling a professional plumber to your property for an inspection can help you get to the bottom of any issues. 

Many customers call plumbers complaining of strange noises, such as clanking, gurgling, and hissing. While there can be simple causes for each noise, sometimes, the cause is significant. 

Regardless of any problems you might have experienced lately, a plumbing inspection is the best way to ensure your system is working correctly. Additionally, you might consider a drain cleaning.  

Annual or biannual inspections help you develop a relationship with a licensed plumbing service. The more familiar a plumber is with your system, the easier it is for them to diagnose a potential problem. Also, the more often a plumber cleans and inspects a system, the less likely you are to be surprised by costly damage. 

3. Can Deal With Water Issues

The primary reason to call a plumbing service is that it deals with water issues. From minor leaks to broken pipes, a plumbing service can help you resolve your property issues quickly and efficiently. 

A licensed plumber can also help identify potential problems before they turn into disasters. For example, during a plumbing inspection, the licensed professional may notice cool spots in your wall with a thermal device. The cool areas could represent a small leak that may go unnoticed for months without professional intervention. 

Plumbers are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Their job is to help ensure you have running water, working drains, and functioning systems. Licensed professionals can help homeowners and business owners find solutions to common issues and resolve even the most severe plumbing disasters. 

Commercial and residential plumbing services are a critical attribute of properties, especially when considering the usefulness of a building. While homeowners and property owners can perform routine maintenance, annual or biannual inspections should be performed by licensed professionals. If it has been a while since your last plumbing inspection or you want to install new fixtures, contact CJ Brubacher Ltd. to schedule an assessment and system checkup. The company will send out a licensed technician as soon as possible.

Kitchener Plumbing Repairs: 3 Signs You Need a New Shower

Kitchener Plumbing Repairs: 3 Signs You Need a New Shower

How Do You Know When You Need a New Shower?

Generally speaking, showers are built to last several decades and do not need to be replaced often. However, frequent use may put wear and tear on shower components, and they may wear out more quickly as a result. If your shower is reaching the 20- to 25-year mark soon, you may need to think about calling plumbing services in Kitchener for a replacement. However, if you notice any of the following signs of shower trouble, you may need to look into residential plumbing services right away.

Sudden Changes in Water Temperature

Sometimes when a shower is wearing out, it may have difficulty sustaining hot water in a constant flow. Therefore, you may be enjoying a nice, hot shower when suddenly the water turns cold. This is an unpleasant surprise that may seem to happen at random. However, if you investigate it further, you may find that it often happens when another device in the house is using hot water elsewhere.

The problem could be an issue with the shower valves wearing out, or it could be an issue with the water heater. In either case, you can call for plumbing services in Kitchener, and a licensed professional will be able to assess the problem, diagnose its cause, and recommend the necessary repairs, whether they be to the shower valves or the water heater itself.

Leaking Water

The fittings and bolts for an old showerhead may loosen over time. This is the most common reason why showerheads start leaking. Another possible reason is a buildup of sediment inside the showerhead. In either case, leaking showerheads or tub faucets can cause big problems. You have to pay for every drop of water that comes out of your plumbing fixtures, whether you intend it to or not. Depending on the severity of the leak, it could cost you significantly. It may not add much to each individual water bill, but it can add up over time. Not only that, but freshwater is a precious resource, and the water that goes down the drain is wasted. Puddles of water that form from leaks can also attract pests to your home. It doesn’t cost much to hire residential plumbing services to install a new showerhead, and it can save you significantly in the long run.

Fungal Growth

A leak in the shower can also lead to the growth of fungi such as mould. Fungal spores can grow just about anywhere there is moisture, and bathrooms are natural environments for it in any case because of the strong amounts of steam produced by the shower. Add a leak to the mix, and your shower becomes an even better habitat for fungal growth. You may start to notice it on the pipes, valves, or showerhead growing in spongy spots of black or green. You may be able to clean mould that is growing on the outside of your pipes and fixtures. However, if it is growing on the inside, this is more difficult to clean. It is probably easier to replace the entire fixture.

Mould in your shower isn’t something you can just ignore. Breathing in mould spores can cause respiratory problems. Showering in mouldy water can cause skin rashes. People who have allergies to mould may have severe reactions to it.

Why Should You Call CJ Brubacher for Plumbing Services in Kitchener?

We provide both residential and commercial plumbing services in Kitchener, so if you have shower facilities at either your home or your place of business, we can service them as necessary. This includes repairing existing fixtures and installing new ones. It also includes maintaining existing fixtures to keep them in good working order and avoid repairs. We provide 24-hour emergency services, so contact us anytime.

Elmira Plumbing Services: 3 Signs You Need a New Mixer Valve

Elmira Plumbing Services: 3 Signs You Need a New Mixer Valve

Taking a hot shower at the end of a long day is a luxury many take for granted. That spa-like moment doesn’t happen all on its own. The plumbing in your home is a complex network of pipes, valves and gaskets. When everything works in harmony, you’ll be in steamy bliss. But one glitch in the system could put a stop to your daily relaxation session. When faulty pipes ruin your self-care routine, contact plumbing services in Elmira.

One vital device, the mixer valve, lies behind the wall in your bathroom and regulates the temperature mix of hot and cold. This essential piece of equipment keeps your water comfortable and safe. A simple shower could scald you and your family when a mixer mechanism malfunctions. If you notice any of the following problems, you may need a new regulator.

1. You Notice a Change in Water Pressure

Congested or loose valves will allow less water to move through. This reduction in water will lead to low pressure. You may notice a slightly weaker flow or pressure that varies from firm to soft. The stream may slow to a trickle in more severe cases. Clogs are not always related to backed-up toilets. Several things could obstruct your device, such as:

  • Limescale from hard water may accumulate over time and form a hard blockage. 
  • Corrosion from the valve or old metal lines can leave behind rust.
  • Debris, like hair, may travel from elsewhere in your plumbing system and form a clog.
  • Plastic fragments from the valve or pipes could have broken off and become lodged in the opening.

In some cases, soaking the part with distilled white vinegar may solve the issue. Before dismantling your shower, allow our plumbers at CJ Brubacher Ltd. to assess the situation. Cleaning or replacement from residential plumbing services could be necessary. 

2. You Have a Leaky Shower Head 

Dripping from your shower is a clear sign of a faulty mixer valve. When you turn off the water at the handle, the mechanism closes and stops the flow. If the piece is loose, it cannot close all the way, and liquid will escape. Anything that gets through will leak from the shower fixture.

Slight dripping may not seem like a big deal until you receive your next water bill. A slow, steady leak can cause a significant increase in usage. It only takes a few days of dripping for a statement to get out of hand. Many water and sewage companies will excuse one large bill for longtime customers. Yet, most will recommend saving that one pass for a more costly sewage line emergency. If left untreated, one small drip could leave you with a major unexpected expense.

3. You Have Trouble Turning the Handle

You interact with the mixer valve every day when you turn the shower’s handle. When you crank up the heat, the valve will slowly reduce the amount of cold water input. This action allows the hot water to overtake the cold gradually, preventing accidental burns. If you cannot turn the handle, it indicates a problem. Corroded metal can cause threadbare connections. When not correctly installed, valves may be loose and not connect with the handle. If your handle turns too quickly or appears stuck, you may need to repair your shower.

Mixer valves may be small, but they play a big role in your bathtime comfort. If you notice low pressure, leaks or handle trouble, a faulty mixer valve could be the root of the issue. At CJ Brubacher Ltd., we specialize in residential and commercial plumbing services. Our technicians are available 24/7, so contact us today to get to the root of your pipe problems.

Commercial Plumbing In Elmira

The Benefits Of Choosing CJ Brubacher For Commercial Plumbing In Elmira

Keep your business growing and operating safely with commercial plumbing services by CJ Brubacher. Whether you’re dealing with a clogged toilet or a routine maintenance service throughout your entire facility, you deserve quality services that fit your busy schedule. See how your local experts in Elmira can help you maintain your commercial building or perform emergency repairs. 

Professional Tools in Professional Hands

A professional plumber with the right tools can solve a maintenance issue in less time and with less stress. Don’t invest your own time attempting to maintain your commercial building or spend money on inexperienced plumbing services.

Locally experienced plumbers use specialized tools to easily connect lines, disconnect lines and prepare new construction projects. From basin wrenches to copper pipe cutters, these tools ensure every part of the project is done efficiently.

Of course, it takes more than the right tools to make sure the job is done correctly. A licensed plumber has up-to-date knowledge of local plumbing codes. This is crucial for new construction projects, but can also be helpful during planned services or emergency repairs. Instead of a quick, temporary fix, be sure you receive plumbing services that last.

Commercial plumbing projects are different from residential ones. While CJ Brubacher offers both commercial and residential services, don’t assume every professional plumber in your area has the resources to handle a commercial project. This is particularly important if you operate a large apartment complex, office building or industrial facility.

Maintenance and Repairs With Less Downtime

A clogged toilet or leaking water line can quickly cause your entire operation to grind to a halt. From a local restaurant to a large industrial facility, plumbing systems are integral to daily operations for many businesses.

Choose professional plumbing services in Elmira to avoid costly downtime. Even a few extra hours of no running water can be a serious issue for many businesses. Choose a plumber with 24/7 support and the confidence you need for maintenance or repair tasks with less downtime.

Less downtime doesn’t just mean performing a quick, temporary repair. Downtime occurs while you wait for the repair and during any future repair issues. This means you need to work with a team that’s not only fast but can also promise that the same issue won’t appear again in hours, weeks or months. A long-term solution keeps your fixtures operating efficiently as your business grows.

Licensed and Insured Team

As a business owner, you could have a major headache in the making if you work with a plumber who isn’t licensed or insured. A licensed plumber is required for most plumbing work, so working with an unlicensed individual can stall the permit process or require a professional to handle the entire project from the beginning.

The plumbing team you work with should also be insured. Without insurance, you could be liable for any injuries that happen because of the plumbing work or while the plumbers are working in your facility. The proper insurance coverage handles these issues, which may help you avoid paying for accidents or getting your own commercial insurance involved.

Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask your chosen plumbing company if they have the right insurance and licensing to take on your commercial project. These two features are crucial to avoiding risk as you allow a professional to come and repair or maintain your commercial facility.

Schedule Plumbing Services in Elmira With CJ Brubacher

From a major commercial project to minor residential plumbing services, trust CJ Brubacher with your next project. Schedule a service today to see why we’re a leading plumbing team in the Elmira area for both commercial and residential solutions. A single call can help you recover from an emergency or schedule a long-term maintenance plan.

Why Hire CJ Brubacher For Kitchen Faucet Installation In Waterloo?

Why Hire CJ Brubacher For Kitchen Faucet Installation In Waterloo?

Avoid the stress and hazards of DIY plumbing tasks by working with a local leader in plumbing services in Waterloo. From an emergency repair to a planned upgrade, a licensed plumber can complete this project easily and without damaging other kitchen components. Explore the benefits of choosing CJ Brubacher to install your new kitchen faucet.

Avoid Damaging Other Fixtures

Improper faucet removal and installation can damage fixtures and materials in your kitchen. Taking this on as a DIY project or hiring an inexperienced plumber can result in issues with these components in your kitchen:

  • Sink
  • Faucet
  • Countertop
  • Cabinet

Your sink can become damaged if the new faucet is connected too firmly or the wrong tools are used to remove the old faucet. Rough handling of components around sinks, particularly ceramic sinks, can chip, crack or stain the sink.

Improper installation can also damage your new faucet. Whether scratching the surface or compromising the water lines, this can be a costly and frustrating process. Serious damage to your new faucet may require you to purchase another faucet before you can complete the installation process and use your kitchen sink again.

Countertops can be damaged as you attempt to remove a faucet. Once the new one is installed, both cabinets and countertops are at risk of water damage if the water lines weren’t properly connected.

Instead of a cost-effective fixture replacement, you may be looking at a costly kitchen cabinet and countertop replacement or repair project. It’s best to reach out to an experienced residential plumbing services provider to avoid these issues.

Choose a Talented and Experienced Plumbing Team

A professional plumber can make any project seem easier. Swapping out a faucet may not be the most complex plumbing service you could ask for, but it’s still a good idea to work with a talented and experienced professional.

Plumbers from CJ Brubacher have the tools you need for a quick faucet replacement and installation project. Unique tools, like basin wrenches, are particularly convenient when trying to remove a faucet without removing the entire sink. Installing a new faucet requires caulk to prevent leaks, which requires a caulk gun and other tools you may not have in your DIY toolkit.

Experienced plumbers know how to avoid common mistakes. From incorrectly installing water lines to avoiding water leaks around the base of the faucet, there are several key ways that a licensed plumber can ensure the new components are installed safely and with a professional finish.

Prevent Water Leaks and Other Mistakes

Accidents are a natural part of any project, but accidents during residential plumbing services can have serious consequences. You probably don’t want to deal with mould, mildew and water damage issues in your kitchen, so consider hiring a reliable plumber to avoid common mistakes.

Many mistakes lead to costly water damage, but other mistakes can delay the process. Delays in the installation process can lead to higher costs if you’re hiring an inexperienced plumber. If you’re attempting to install your own sink, these time-consuming mistakes can turn a small job into a weekend-long event.

A professional plumber can swap out a faucet in very little time. A plumber who avoids common mistakes and has years of experience understands shortcuts that can make the project even more efficient. This not only helps you upgrade your kitchen sink in less time but can also save you money on labour costs.

Contact CJ Brubacher for Plumbing Services in Waterloo

Contact us at CJ Brubacher to learn more about residential and commercial plumbing services in Waterloo. From a single kitchen faucet to major plumbing service, work with a local leader to see how you can enjoy a quick, safe and convenient plumbing solution.